Where did the weeds come from? (Matthew 13:27-28)

by Sherwin Jaleel

Most of us have heard the term – going viral. A digital artefact is said to have gone viral when it is rapidly shared from one person to another through the Internet. In recent weeks the coronavirus has gone viral too, not only in the digital realm but also in its natural microbial realm. Microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses are intriguing organisms, their existence and role have raised challenging theological questions. One question that is on many minds today is – Did God create the coronavirus?


“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.”
Genesis 1:31

There would be no life on earth as we know it without microorganisms. Microorganisms must have been part of God’s creation. Take God’s creation of plants (Genesis 1:11) as an example; it would be impossible for plants to thrive without nitrogen-fixing bacteria that plants need to grow. Similarly, without the biodegrading action of microbes, there would not be sufficient essential elements of carbon, sulphur and phosphorous. Neither would there be Cobalamin a vital vitamin (B12) that is essential for the metabolism of cells in the human body. The biosphere is coated with millions of invisible microorganisms that are indispensable to life on the earth.

God does not make mistakes, and bacteria and viruses are indeed part of God’s plan from the beginning. When the Lord declared his creation “very good” (Genesis 1:31), it must have also included these microorganisms that play a vital part in the well-being of the world.

The extraordinary role of microorganisms in God’s creation, must, however, be balanced by accounting for the existence of disease-causing microorganisms, i.e. pathogens like the coronavirus. Pathogens do not contribute to the well-being of the world, and they bring pain, suffering and death. Why would God create such disease-causing microorganisms along with the many species of beneficial microorganisms that are essential and indispensable to life on the earth?

Did God create pathogens?

Amongst the thousands of species of microorganisms, only a small percentage cause disease. Intriguingly these disease-causing pathogens use deception and ingenious stealth to cause disease and often death. Scientists have discovered that several infectious and lethal bacteria (E. coli, salmonella and Vibrio cholerae are a few examples) have social lives. They chit-chat with each other (yes, you read that right) using a molecular language to plan their attack on their host. Using chemical signals, they make decisions to either remain under the radar or activate the attack sequence and create thousands of offspring that infect and kill a host. Why would bacteria do that?

The answer is menacing. If bacteria became active as soon as they infect a host, it would wave a red flag triggering the host’s immune system. With just one bacterium in the host, it wouldn’t stand a chance and would be decimated by the host’s immune system. However, if it waited until there is enough of its kind within the host, it might have a better chance of establishing an infection. The chit-chat enables bacteria to work together and decide when is the best time to attack. 

Scientists from the University of Southampton have discovered (see here) that the coronavirus tricks its way into the human body like a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”. The coronavirus has a large number of spikes sticking out of its surface which it uses to latch onto and enter human cells. These spikes are coated in sugars (called glycans), which disguise their viral proteins and craftily evade the body’s immune system. Viruses are not even technically alive! Yet they can wage a clever and destructive microscopic war with stealth.

Disease causing viruses and bacteria use eerie techniques to evade and dupe the immune system in a myriad of ways. Those that cause many of the most dangerous infectious diseases and have evolved some ingenious.

Dr Ralph D. Winter, the man who revolutionized what remains (even today) the true lifeblood of Evangelicals—missionary work overseas, wrote that our Christian theologies were formed during the early centuries when the world was blind to the microbial realm. He argued that our present theological literature has not seriously considered pathogens and as a consequence, God has, for far too long, been taking the blame for Satan’s destructive works. There is little consensus even among Christians over who is responsible for disease in the world. Some believe that God wants diseases in the world.

No one knows for sure how microorganisms learn surreptitious tricks to deceive the human immune system.  Dr Winter argues that pathogens are the works of an “intelligent evil power” whose purpose is to destroy God’s creation. He cited the clever and destructive tactics of pathogens for his reasoning.  Dr Winter is pointing out that God’s good creation can be manipulated (see Job 2:7, Luke 13:16 & Acts 10:38). History shows us that this is true in the case of man, if so, why not in viruses and bacteria that mutate to cause harm.

“Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?”
Matthew 13:27

When Jesus thought his disciples about evil, he turned his disciple’s imagination to a field – to consider the weeds. In the parable of the weeds (Matthew 13), the farmhands go out into the field in which the master has sown good seed and find weeds mixed in with the good crops. They come back with a question on their lips – Where then did the weeds come from?

This is the question we too have been wrestling with in this blog – why, God, are there weeds in the midst of your very good creation? Like the farmhands, we too want an explanation and a reason for why we have the evil weed coronavirus in the world today.

“An enemy did this”
Matthew 13:28

The answer God gives isn’t the answer we might expect – An enemy did this!  Those four simple words demolish theodicies that put the Lord in bad light whenever tragedy pops up like an obnoxious weed.  We get it horribly wrong when we believe that God gives evil so that there will be good. The weeds don’t belong in the field, and God didn’t put them there. Likewise, destructive pathogens do not belong in the world, and God did not put them there.

Dr Winter notes that we must not only pray for healing as if it is only up to God to cure diseases but must also use the wisdom that God has given us to actively work toward eradicating diseases by battling the source of the problem. Jesus explains in the parable that the enemy is the devil. Sadly, many Christians live without a real awareness of this battle. Some people see the enemy and his minions in every sneeze, cough and a flat tire. The other extreme is when Christians act as if the devil doesn’t exist. They might acknowledge he is there but live without any true awareness of his activity in their lives and the world.

My beloved brother and sister in Christ, is that you?

The enemy wants to keep us in perpetual ignorance of his schemes because he thrives on our ignorance. The motive of the adversary is to cast the Creator in a negative light as being responsible for evil, and that includes pathogens. Satan knows his time is short and does what he can to persecute God’s people and lead as many as he can astray. Let’s not fall into that trap.

“I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”
Luke 10:19

At the dawn of the 20th century, life expectancy was about 40 years of age. More recently, the worldwide average stands at around 72. The single biggest reason for this miraculous leap in longevity has been the ability of man to cure diseases. Advances in medical technology have changed the game. In the past few decades, cures have been found for many of history’s most feared diseases. Some diseases have even been eradicated. God’s dominion mandate (Genesis 1:26-28) has enabled man to do that. The mandate in an on-going charge to humanity in the power, obedience and blessing of God.  Not only that, but The Lord has also given us authority and power to fight and destroy evil, he has given us authority over the power of the enemy, and he has said nothing will harm us (Luke 10:19). It is about time we took that promise seriously!


God does chasten the world in love and in measure, and he does this to help mankind ultimately turn from the paths of destruction towards the way of truth and peace. However, the God of the bible does not destroy or punish indiscriminately. He is a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity (Jonah 4:2).  

Dr Billy Graham in his book Alone with the Saviour, notes that “We are living in an age of grace in which God promises that ‘whosoever will’ may come and receive His Son.” Dr Graham however also warns us that this time of grace won’t last forever saying “Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world and extended His mercy and grace to whoever will receive Him as Lord and Saviour (Revelation 22:17). God’s offer of forgiveness and new life still stands. But this period of grace will not go on indefinitely, and someday it will be too late for men and women to repent and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ.” 

Dr Graham is drawing our attention to the end times that Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24 and Luke 21. Yes, we are living in an age of grace, but we must be alert to the Biblical signs of the end times, some of which are visible in the world today and not be lulled into a sense of false security.

2 Peter 3:9-10 gives us a good summary of God’s patience and saving grace towards us, equally also warning us that someday that grace will cease and it will be too late for men and women to repent and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ.

“The Lord is not slow to fulfil his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed.”
2 Peter 3:9-10

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Yoga Keralapura April 18, 2020 - 3:22 pm

Great write up by Sherwin, I loved reading through this blog. May god give us all the strength and hope to overcome this current situation.
Amen ??

Sherwin Jaleel April 19, 2020 - 11:15 am

Thank you for your kind words Yoga. Amen to your prayer!


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